Legal Notice
Company details:
- Company name: Forum Cuenca SL
- NIF: B16177271
- Telephone: 644 02 00 60
Full Business Name: Cuenca Forum
Name of the website: Training Forum
Purpose of the website: The purpose of this website is to provide information about the services offered by Foro Cuenca SL, as well as to promote communication with its users and potential clients.
Conditions of Use: Access to and use of this website are subject to the following conditions. By accessing and browsing this site, the user unreservedly accepts these conditions.
Intellectual and Industrial Property: All intellectual and industrial property rights of the website and its contents are the property of Foro Cuenca SL or third parties, and are protected by current legislation on intellectual and industrial property.
Privacy Policy: The use of personal data collected through this website is governed by our privacy policy, which can be consulted at the following link [link to privacy policy].
Applicable Law and Jurisdiction: These conditions of use are governed by Spanish law. Any dispute that may arise in relation to this website shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals of the city of Cuenca.
Contact: If you have any questions or comments about this legal notice, you can contact us by telephone on 644 02 00 60 or by sending an e-mail.
Modification of the Legal Notice: Foro Cuenca SL reserves the right to modify this legal notice at any time, without prior notice. Therefore, the user is recommended to review this legal notice every time he/she accesses the website.